Top Job employer seal for MC
Following recognition in 2018, MC-Bauchemie has again been awarded the Top Job seal of approval this year, identifying it as one of Germany’s best employers.
MC-Bauchemie once again awarded the Top Job employer seal of approval
Mar 16, 2021
Following recognition in 2018, MC-Bauchemie has again been awarded the Top Job seal of approval this year, identifying it as one of Germany’s best employers. The award presented by Zentrum für Arbeitgeberattraktivität (Centre for Employer Attractiveness – zeag GmbH) goes to companies that have been particularly effective in creating a healthy yet still high-performance workplace culture. The assessment is based on a scientifically grounded staff and management survey. Sigmar Gabriel, former Vice-Chancellor of Germany and patron of the nationwide company benchmarking project, praised the qualities shown by the globally active building chemicals manufacturer in terms of its commitment to positive employee development and advancement prospects, its appreciative corporate culture and its communication credentials.

© MC-Bauchemie 2025
Sigmar Gabriel: MC-Bauchemie counts among the best employers within Germany’s extensive SME community.
“The Top Job Award is only given to companies that can demonstrate a strong culture,” said Sigmar Gabriel, former Vice-Chancellor of Germany and patron of the nationwide company comparison project, in his laudatory speech. Addressing MC-Bauchemie, he went on to say: “Germany needs more companies like MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG. My heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved in garnering this Top Job Award 2021. It shows that your company counts among the best employers within Germany’s SME sector. You can be proud of what you have achieved. With a strong culture like yours, you can be confident of managing change and delivering the kind of innovation required of enterprises like you in this day and age.”
Nicolaus M. Müller: Top Job Award confirms validity of approach
Nicolaus M. Müller, Managing Partner of MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG and, among other roles, Director of Human Resources, gladly accepted the award and expressed his appreciation of the commendation, saying: “The Top Job seal of approval and the good employee feedback we have earned make us especially proud in the current times. Both confirm our efforts and our commitment as a value-led family business to continue along the successful route adopted within our group of companies in recent years.” It also shows that MC-Bauchemie is a very good place to work compared to other companies and that it has a high level of attractiveness as an employer.
Employees use survey to provide constructive feedback
In 2020, the employees of the MC-Bauchemie group of companies in Germany were invited to take part in an anonymous online survey. Comprising six sections, it took about 15 minutes to complete. The respondents consistently gave even better marks than in 2018, with participation also higher by almost ten percent compared with the first survey. “We already saw during the first Top Job analysis that our employees appreciated the value of this professional survey,” said Anna Kaja, HR officer at MC-Bauchemie, who accompanied the project on the MC-Bauchemie side, adding: “In the meantime, our employees see this survey as a good opportunity to constructively voice their opinions. They also feel that their feedback is taken seriously and has an effect, not least because of the numerous positive changes that we initiated after the first survey.” The seriousness with which the results of the survey are taken was once again emphasised by both Managing Director Nicolaus M. Müller and Christoph Hemming, Head of Human Resources at MC: “While we are delighted to receive the award again, the results of the survey are much more important to us because they tell us where we have developed positively over the last two years and in which areas we can improve further.”
Positive assessments and high employee satisfaction at MC
According to the survey results, the high level of employee satisfaction compared to the competition is due in particular to MC’s owner-managed corporate structure and culture. The company’s people appreciate the family atmosphere and the responsibility that the managers show for their employees. There were also positive evaluations relating, in particular, to the high degree of freedom enjoyed by employees and the flat hierarchies that characterise MC-Bauchemie. The family business also received excellent feedback with respect to its training opportunities: Whether for a newcomer, a sales professional or a manager, MC-Bauchemie offers individually tailored further training programmes, including in relation to ‘soft skills’. These employer offerings to the workforce are further complemented by flexible working hours and social benefits such as childcare during the summer holidays or discounts at leisure and sports facilities. High workforce retention offers further tangible proof of the good corporate culture that prevails: A large proportion of the 700-plus employees in Germany started at MC as trainees and have remained loyal to the company ever since. Long-service anniversaries of 30, 40 or even 50 years are not uncommon and are celebrated with noticeable regularity in Bottrop.
Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch: MC-Bauchemie impresses especially in relation to culture and communication
“MC-Bauchemie scored particularly high in the areas of culture and communication, helping it to make huge headway in the creation of a culture of trust. People identify very strongly both with the company’s products and services, and with the corporate brand itself. This creates a very strong bond while also meeting the prerequisite for excellence in cooperation, including cross-team collaboration,” summarised Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch from the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen, who serves as the scientific director of the survey.
About ‘Top Job’
Since 2002, German SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) have been working on their attributes as employers under the auspices of the ‘Top Job’ organization. The project also comes with an award to the best employers, enabling them to make their standing more publicly visible. The organisation is the responsibility of zeag GmbH – Centre for Employer Attractiveness – which is based in Constance on the lake of the same name. Scientific management of the benchmarking survey lies with Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch and her team from the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen. The project’s patron is former Vice-Chancellor of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel. For further information, please go to www.topjob.de
About zeag GmbH | Centre for Employer Attractiveness
Under the umbrella of the Centre for Employer Attractiveness, zeag GmbH thematically combines the two benchmark projects ‘Top Job’ and ETHICS IN BUSINESS. zeag thus supports SME’s that either already excel in the fields of human resource management and corporate social responsibility or have ambitions to achieve such excellence in the medium term.
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