Challenges & Solutions

All over the world, the demand for energy is growing. While production needs to be as cheap as possible, it also – and increasingly  –  has to be sustainable. Hence renewable energy is on the rise. In water-rich areas of the world, hydroelectric power plants are predestined as the preferred option for generating energy, with pumped storage facilities also being widely used to store it. The know-how of MC-Bauchemie is in demand globally for the construction, waterproofing, repair and stabilisation of these mega-structures. MC offers proven competence and expertise in all related areas, scoring high in client satisfaction thanks to outstanding product systems, comprehensive practical experience and a unique level of on-site service. 

Robust concretes for your hydropower structures

Whether for mass concrete, self-compacting concrete or shotcrete – with admixtures and additives from MC, you will always find the right solution for your particular application

The types of concrete used in the construction of hydropower plants are wide-ranging indeed, extending from mass concretes for dams and barrages, and self-compacting concretes such as those used in the construction of tunnels, to shotcrete for lining and stabilising power caverns. And with the admixtures and additives of the MC-PowerFlow and Centrilit product families, it is possible to ideally tailor each formulation to the job in hand.

Stabilising and waterproofing inverts

With our world-leading injection technology, you can avoid seepage and erosion while also restoring stability to your inverts

In the case of dams and barrages, it is essential to avoid seepage and erosion in the subsoil if stability is to be ensured. Unlike mineral injection materials, the latest generation of our flexible, soft and swelling MC-Montan-Injekt hydrogels can also be injected against water pressure to create a permanent subsoil seal. Need to increase rock-strata and subsoil strength? MC-Montan Injekt injection resins are ideal for stabilising and increasing the load-bearing capacity of foundation soil. And they can also be used to raise structures.

Permanent protection for the walls and floors of buildings annexing your hydropower plant

With our surface protection and industrial flooring systems you get long service lifetimes combined with an attractive appearance

Want to add colour to the concrete or increase its durability? Available as transparent or pigmented, rigid or crack-bridging concrete protection products, the engineered coatings from the MC-Color range meet all conceivable requirements, ensuring protection from CO2 or even chloride attack.


Want the floor of your turbine house or workshop to be visually appealing, easy to clean, mechanically resilient? With coatings from the MC-DUR range, you have all the features you need: tough, slip-resistant, excellent cleanability, ESD conductive if required. Thus, whatever the usage profile, with MC you get a clean, safe and durable solution every time.

Filling and sealing cracks and cavities in hydropower plant

Ensuring the functional integrity and stability of your hydropower facilities

It is not uncommon for cracks in reinforced concrete structures to extend right down to the steel bar, or even to split entire components. In some cases, cavities also develop in the course of time. These allow water or contaminants to then penetrate and degrade the building fabric unhindered, impairing structural function and jeopardising stability. MC-Injekt systems enable you to reliably and permanently seal cracks, joints and cavities in concrete components, restoring the structure to full reliability and durability.

Hindsight stabilisation and consolidation

With our injection technology, you can fill and seal areas where seepage, erosion and cavitation have occurred - and what's more, you can do so with operations ongoing

If, after many years of use, seepage and erosion occur in the subsoil of dams and barrages, their stability could very well be at risk. So how can cavities be sealed during operation and in the presence of water under pressure? The answer: with the hydrogels of the MC-Montan Injekt product family. These offer controllable reaction times and can also be injected against water under pressure. They swell as the reaction proceeds and, remaining soft and flexible, they absorb deformations in the substrate to ensure a permanent seal...

If the strength of the subsoil needs to be increased at the same time as the sealing operation, MC-Montan Injekt injection resins are again the solution of choice thanks to their ability to consolidate, stabilise and augment load-bearing capacity. And if your structures have already settled, they can be raised back to the required height by applying the special injection resins of the MC-Montan Injekt family to facilitate controlled lifting.

Repairing concrete dams, barrages and hydropower plants

With concrete replacement systems from MC, you can be sure that your repairs are durable, sustainable and offer maximum safety

Dams, barrages and hydropower plants need to offer an above-average service life. Due to their location and exposure, their repair places unique demands on the concrete replacement systems used. The Nafufill family contains a range of products, such as Nafufill SC 08 or Nafufill GTS, to suit a variety of layer thickness and other application requirements. Suitable for dry-spraying, they are both economical in use and easy to apply. For smaller repairs, we recommend our concrete replacement system Nafufill KM 250, which can be applied by hand trowelling as well as by spraying and is suitable in all statically and non-statically relevant areas, whether for structural reinforcement or general aesthetics. Our Nafufill technology is characterised by high resistance to carbonation, freeze/thaw cycling and de-icing salts, as well as chloride impermeability, and is suitable for the exposure classes XC1-4, XF1-4, XW1-2, XD1-3, XS1-3, XM1, XA1-2, X0, XALL, XDYN, XSTAT and XBW. Our repair products will reliably withstand post-treatment while also offering you the highest level of safety and reliability.

Upgrading penstocks and spillways

Increasing surface protection in areas of permanent water exposure with our highly resistant coatings

Got headraces, tailraces or spillways that are in need of strengthening and ruggedising? Then you will find that the mineral coatings of the MC-RIM PROTECT product family are the ideal choice. They are osmosis-proof and a demonstrably durable, abrasion-resistant surface protection systems in areas permanently exposed to water.

For components and structures intermittently exposed to water, we offer Zentrifix F 92, a crack-bridging and sealing surface protection system with a proven track record extending back 30 years.

Coating industrial floors in turbine halls, battery rooms and workshops

Quickly applicable and highly resistant high-performance coatings from MC

Time is of the essence, especially when it comes to repairing floors in turbine halls, battery rooms and workshops. Depending on the requirements of the structure, we offer both epoxy resin coatings and high-performance coatings of the MC-DUR TopSpeed family featuring our innovative Kinetic-BoostTechnology®. With these solutions, highly resilient floors can be installed in the shortest of times, even under damp and cool ambient conditions, with full loadability and readiness for use occurring within just a few hours.

Sealing movement joints in dams and hydraulic structures

Durable, weather resistant, highly flexible and chemically resistant

The permanent sealing of movement joints in dams and hydraulic structures represents a particularly unique challenge requiring the reconciliation of a range of critical requirements, including the need for the seal to be of sufficient strength while also offering a high degree of flexibility and very good adhesion to the joint flanks. In addition, the materials used must be weather-proof and resistant to all kinds of chemical and biological attack. They must also feature a high level of temperature tolerance in the area of the structure surfaces. But help is at hand for, again, MC has just the solution: Our soft and flexible hydrogel MC-Injekt GL 95 TX fulfils all related requirements according to ICOLD Bulletin 57 (1986) and has proven to be a high performer in terms of both its cost-efficiency and its durability.

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