Jubilee celebration 2023

Dec 15, 2023

We were finally able to return to our old company tradition of honouring the long-service anniversaries of current MC Group employees on the first Thursday in December at a traditional gala dinner at Gasthof Berger in Bottrop.

Traditional group photo of the 2023 jubilarians in front of Gasthof Berger in Bottrop.
Traditional group photo of the 2023 jubilarians in front of Gasthof Berger in Bottrop.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

The ceremony held on 7 December 2023 was attended by MC employees from Germany who were marking their 10th and 25th anniversaries with the company this year. After the welcoming address from Managing Partner Nicolaus M. Müller, the Managing Directors and division heads of MC-Germany took time to speak to and get to know each awardee, thanking them for their many years of service and special commitment to the company. The managers also presented gifts to the honourees, the latter clearly enjoying the evening with a delicious three-course meal taken in a relaxed atmosphere.


In addition to the gala in Bottrop, anniversary celebrations were also held at other MC locations around the world.

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