MC at the WTC 2017 in Bergen

Jun 14, 2017

Bottrop, 14 June 2017. MC’s Tunnelling FoE (Field of Expertise) took part from 12 to 14 June in the 2017 World Tunnel Congress (WTC) in Bergen, one of the most important events of its kind for the tunnelling community from industry, professional associations and science and technology.

MC team shows MC's tunnel-related expertise at the WTC in Bergen.
MC team shows MC's tunnel-related expertise at the WTC in Bergen.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

At their stand, the MC employees exhibited products systems from their FoE – including concrete replacement systems, steel fibre-reinforced shotcrete, soil conditioning agents, backfill mortars, injection technologies, surface protection systems and concrete repair solutions – accentuating their impressive performance in the construction and repair of tunnel structures. The objective was to further extend global recognition of, and win new customers for, MC’s Tunnelling FoE together with its innovative product systems.
The WTC is the internationally leading conference on tunnelling and underground civil engineering and is organised each year by the  International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA). This year the WTC was held in Bergen, hosted by the Norwegian Tunnelling Society (NFF), an ITA member. Congress participants were offered wide-ranging opportunities to exchange views and information in relation to the tunnelling art as well as to become acquainted with new product systems and technologies.
Click here for more information about the WTC:
WTC 2017

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