MC at VIVAWEST Marathon 2018

May 27, 2018

On 27 May 2018, three teams from MC-Bauchemie participated for the fourth time in succession in the VIVAWEST Marathon, the largest marathon in the central Ruhr area. 12 employees from MC started in three mixed relay teams and finished the marathon in summer heat with temperatures above 30 ° C with good results.

MC team spirit: The group photo was taken before the start of the marathon in front of the Musiktheater in Gelsenkirchen near by the start-finish area.
MC team spirit: The group photo was taken before the start of the marathon in front of the Musiktheater in Gelsenkirchen near by the start-finish area.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Once again, our MC TopSpeed team crossed the finishing line in a good time of 3:46:09 hours and as 6th fastest team in the mixed relay ranking. Shortly after, our Exzellent team finished 8th with 3:57:48 hours and our PowerFlow team 20th place after 4:12:44 hours. Sport brings people together and creates a team spirit, even across age and departmental borders. The employees of MC between the age of 30 and 50 from different departments like production, research & development, logistics, administration and sales once again proved this impressively. After all, the fun of running in a team and the great and special atmosphere of this marathon haven beeen oce again more important than the results.

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