Second MC-Fest in Chile very successful

Jan 06, 2023

On 10 November 2022, the second MC-Fest took place at our headquarters in Chile with more than 60 customers from the Infrastructure & Industry, Buildings and Concrete Industry sectors attending. The aim of this Oktoberfest event was to present MC as a German and international company, to introduce new products to our customers and to inform them about our various business activities and, of course, to strengthen our relationship with them.

Group picture of the Oktoberfest event of MC-Bauchemie Chile.
Group picture of the Oktoberfest event of MC-Bauchemie Chile.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

MC as a German and international company

Lorena Imbert, Marketing Manager in Chile, welcomed the guests. Milan Ceric, Managing Director of MC Chile, held his welcoming speech followed by Shingiro Tokudome, Business Director of CI in Brazil, and Dennys Frank, Business Development Manager for South America. There was also a special speech by Nicolaus M. Müller that was presented via video. He talked about the latest success of MC Chile and made an outlook on MC's perspectives for the upcoming year. 

During the event, the participants had the opportunity to taste German beer, traditional German food and check out new MC technologies such as injection systems, concrete admixtures and waterproofing solutions. The MC-Fest took place in a beautiful arena especially created for this event.


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