Seminar for the Ukrainian concrete industry

Dec 16, 2019

From 20 to 22 November 2019, a seminar for representatives of the concrete industry from the Ukraine was held in the Training and Education Center of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop, Germany. The seminar focused on concrete admixtures based on polycarboxylate ether, also known as PCE.

Group picture of the Ukrainian participants of the technical seminar in front of the new main building of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop.
Group picture of the Ukrainian participants of the technical seminar in front of the new main building of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

The 30 attending concrete technologists, managing directors and owners of concrete plants in the Ukraine, who represented a large part of the Ukrainian concrete industry, took the opportunity to convince themselves of the application possibilities as well as the technical and economic advantages of PCE-based concrete admixtures. The participants also visited the premises of MC-Bauchemie Am Kruppwald in Bottrop with a special focus on PCE production. Another topic on the agenda was a visit of a concrete plant in the region, where the Ukrainian concrete experts were able to get deeper insights into the practical usage of PCE-based admixtures.


Since 2012, MC-Bauchemie has been producing a new generation of concrete and mortar admixtures based on PCE in a state-of-the-art production plant in Bottrop using its own patented process. Anyone who wants to produce robust concretes with a low binder content and a low w/c ratio nowadays cannot do it without PCE-based superplasticizers. With PCE-based superplasticizers it is possible to achieve a significantly higher water saving and liquefying effect than with conventional superplasticizers made from naphthalene or melamine condensates.


MC-Bauchemie has been active in the Ukraine since 2005 with its own company and has since offered the entire product portfolio for the improvement of concrete as well as for the protection and maintenance of concrete structures. MC has become the market leader in the Ukrainian concrete admixture market.


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