Carlos Safranez is new president of ANFAH in Spain

Aug 08, 2024

Carlos Safranez, Managing Director of MC-Bauchemie Spain, has been appointed President of the Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Aditivos para Hormigón y Mortero (ANFAH, National Association of Manufacturers of Concrete and Mortar Admixtures and Additives) in April 2024. In his new role, he will promote the interests of ANFAH members to legislators and regulators, raise awareness of the benefits of concrete and mortar admixtures and support the development of new admixtures and environmentally friendly technologies.

Carlos Safranez, new president of ANFAH in Spain.
Carlos Safranez, new president of ANFAH in Spain.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

"Whether early strength, final strength, density and compaction or durability and resistance, surface quality or workability – all these properties of concrete can only be precisely adjusted through the targeted use of admixtures," emphasises Carlos Safranez, Managing Director of MC-Bauchemie Spain and newly elected ANFAH President, underlining the importance of concrete and mortar admixtures. To mark the occasion, the Spanish professional magazine CEMENTO HORMIGÓN has dedicated a four-page interview to him in its latest issue. In it, he gives an insight into the objectives he is pursuing in his new role. "As President of ANFAH, I have set myself several main objectives. Firstly, to strengthen the market position and competitiveness of our members by promoting innovation and developing new admixtures that improve the properties of concrete and mortar admixtures," says Carlos Safranez. He will also actively represent members' interests to legislators and regulators to create a favourable environment for the industry and help members comply with relevant standards and legislation. The association also attaches great importance to promoting dialogue and cooperation between its members and other relevant associations and institutions.


ANFAH has also launched a campaign to achieve the objectives and promote the use of admixtures. It aims to convince construction professionals of the benefits of concrete and mortar admixtures, to spread knowledge about them and to promote collaboration with the industry as well as academic research institutions.

Growing demand for concrete and mortar admixtures in Spain and Europe

The demand for concrete and mortar admixtures in Spain – and Europe in general – is growing steadily, as they significantly improve the performance and properties of concrete and mortar. The increasing demand for sustainable building materials is also driving the introduction of advanced technologies. The importance of admixtures will continue to grow as the new EN 197-5 cement standard defines the framework for a significant reduction in the clinker content of cements – an important step towards CO2 neutrality in concrete construction. "If manufacturers of ready-mixed concrete, precast concrete products and concrete products want to maintain or improve the quality of their concrete and at the same time meet the requirements of the new standards, there is no way around the latest generation of admixtures and additives. In short, if you want to reduce the amount of clinker in the cement, you need more and better admixtures," says Safranez.

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