Ceremonial opening of the new Powder Tower in Brazil

Sep 03, 2018

On 16 August 2018, MC Brazil officially opened the new mortar production of MC at Vargem Grande Paulista in São Paulo with more than 130 customers, suppliers, partners and representatives of building associations.

Ceremonial opening of the new Powder Tower in Brazil
Ceremonial opening of the new Powder Tower in Brazil
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Before the grand opening, the participants were initially offered an interesting lecture program in the MC event and training center with renowned speakers from the Brazilian construction industry. After the professional part of the event, Jaques Pinto, Managing Director of MC Brazil and Regional Director of MC in Latin America, and Nicolaus Müller, Managing Director of the MC Group, guided the participants through the production site of MC, where they attended the opening ceremony of the new powder tower.
With a height of more than 47 meters, the new powder tower of MC has a production capacity of more than 150.000 tons per year, while production is fully automated. "With our new mortar production, we will increase our productivity and offer our customers even better quality and availability of our powder products," says Jaques Pinto, adding: "The additional capacity will be an important stimulus for our further growth in the region."
Your contact:
Saki M. Moysidis, Head of PR & Communication

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