MC aktiv 1/2019 has been published

Apr 16, 2019

In the first issue of our employee and customer magazine MC aktiv in 2019 we have layed the focus on a key aspect of concrete technology.

MC aktiv 1/2019
MC aktiv 1/2019
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Concrete is the most widely used of all construction materials and its applications are hugely diverse. Once a simple three-material system, it has evolved with time into a multi-phase complex. In concrete production it is essential to ensure that the individual components – cement, additives and admixtures – are properly and effectively coordinated. Sound concrete formulation expertise at the technological level is thus an essential prerequisite for the production of stable, robust concretes. In our MC Report of this MC aktiv, we shed light on what is important in practice when using concrete admixtures.
Many of the other features of this issue of our magazine likewise relate to robust, reliable and sometimes also visually appealing solutions, as revealed in a series of interesting project reports, with news of MC’s latest innovations and internal developments completing the mix.
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