MC aktiv 1/2020 has been published

Apr 22, 2020

Our first edition of our employee and customer magazine MC aktiv in 2020 deals with the quick renovation of car parks.

MC aktiv 1/2020
MC aktiv 1/2020
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

 Time is money! This saying is especially true when it comes to rehabilitating car parks. Where the need for refurbishment is foreseeable, it is particularly important at the planning stage to also ensure that unavoidable downtime is minimised so as to avoid adding unnecessarily to the cost of the repairs. So it is no wonder that, when it comes to repairing car park surfaces, the specifications stipulate not only high quality and durability, but also speed. 


This puts MC at a great advantage. We have pooled our know-how in the construction and repair of such structures in our Carpark field of expertise, offering inter alia tested various OS-grade systems for the repair and protection of wall and deck surfaces. In our main report and in one of our articles in the MC Innovation section we offer you an overview of our new OS 8 and OS 10 surface protection systems based on our unique KineticBoost-Technology®.

With the new issue of MC aktiv, we once again offer you interesting project reports: from road and runway construction in the Ukraine to bridge construction in Bratislava and soil stabilisation during the laying of sewage pipes in Israel. As always, our issue is rounded off with internal news and the latest news about our staff.

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Your contact:
Saki M. Moysidis, Head of PR & Communication

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