MC opens new plant in Russia

Jun 21, 2016

On 21 April 2016, MC-Bauchemie Russia celebrated the official opening of a new plant in the Samara region with over 200 guests attending, including employees, customers and political representa-tives such as regional Minister of Construction, Oksana Anatolevna Bistrova.

The Samara region’s Minister for Construction, Oksana Anatolevna Bistrova (left) together with Alexander Mondrus (centre), Managing Director of MC Russia, and Alexander Prokudin (right), First Deputy of the Head of Kinel City District, attend the official opening of the new MC plant in Alekseevka, Kinel City District in Samara.
The Samara region’s Minister for Construction, Oksana Anatolevna Bistrova (left) together with Alexander Mondrus (centre), Managing Director of MC Russia, and Alexander Prokudin (right), First Deputy of the Head of Kinel City District, attend the official opening of the new MC plant in Alekseevka, Kinel City District in Samara.
© MC-Bauchemie 2016

Aside from concrete admixtures and tile adhesives, the facility also manufactures a wide range of other powdered products and release agents, with local raw materials among the inputs. Minister of Construction Bistrova praised the commitment shown by MC and emphasised the importance of its engagement for construction companies in the region. She was also keen to point out the fact that the plant would be producing technologically high-grade, competitive and advanced building materials such as are required for residential construction, the industrial sector and local infrastructure.
It would thus be making an important contribution to the economy of the Samara region. The site measures around 4 hectares (10 acres) and the plant’s production capacity is rated at 75,000 metric tons of powder products plus 60,000 metric tons of concrete admixtures and release agents.
Aside from the facility in the Samara region, MC also has manufacturing operations at four further sites in Russia: Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar and Tjumen.

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