Art meets industry–Marble-like indurstial resin floors

Feb 27, 2025

The application possibilities of the epoxy resin MC-DUR 1200 go far beyond the traditional industrial sector. MC-Bauchemie Bosnia and Herzegovina has discovered new potential for this resin and is now using it to produce unique, marble-like floors that are visually impressive and extremely durable.

Not marble, but a unique design with industrial flooring resin
Not marble, but a unique design with industrial flooring resin
© MC-Bauchemie

While MC-DUR 1200 is normally used for industrial floors in factories and production halls and has enjoyed great popularity for many years, Nermin Zečić, sales representative of MC-Bauchemie in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has started to offer possibilities to make use of the epoxy resin for artistic applications and decorative floors. The results are aesthetically pleasing, marble-like floors for residential buildings.

Buildup and implementation

These floors are produced in a clearly structured process. First, the substrate has to be prepared and cleaned using diamond grinders. A primer is then applied. Once the surface has dried for 12 to 24 hours, you can apply a scratch coat. This is a mixture of epoxy resin and quartz sand in a 1:1 ratio. After a further 12 to 24 hours, the final coat can be applied using the self-levelling version of the resilient MC-DUR 1200 epoxy resin coating. Unlike the usual process, you can create decorative effects by using two or more colours.


The technology behind the unique marble effect

Each floor is unique. The different colour combi-nations ensure that no two floors are alike. You can achieve the marble effect by pouring one colour on top of the other or next to it and using a short-pile roller to smudge it in the desired direction. You can also draw lines on the fresh epoxy with an acrylic spray and then roll them out. This artistic work must be carried out within 30 to 40 minutes, as the material then hardens. One of the advantages of this innovative method is that it is relatively easy to implement, as the resin is usually applied to interior screed floors and the surfaces are normally in good condition, providing ideal conditions for application.


This innovative approach underlines the versatility of MC-DUR 1200 and shows how creatively the industrial resin can be used for flooring, even in residential buildings.

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