MC-FIBRE® – Reliable solutions for fibre-reinforced concrete

Jan 04, 2024

Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) is not just concrete with fibres. Rather, it is advanced concrete technology applied to the development of smart composite materials with enhanced strength and durability. When it comes to optimising the performance of FRC, we offer you not only our new MC-Fibre® fibres in various shapes and geometries, but also the comprehensive support and expertise of our experienced concrete technologists.

In fibre-reinforced concrete production, getting the concrete design right is critical to ensuring the homogeneous distribution of the fibres.
In fibre-reinforced concrete production, getting the concrete design right is critical to ensuring the homogeneous distribution of the fibres.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

When producing fibre-reinforced concrete, the concrete mix must be adapted, otherwise the result will be defective concrete with a considerable loss in workability that can cause major difficulties during installation on the construction site. The addition of fibres changes the rheology of the fresh concrete, as more cement paste is required, making the concrete more cohesive and thus able to entrap more air. MC-Bauchemie offers significant expertise in concrete technology to meet the requirements of both the fresh and the hardened stage of FRC. To improve the rheology and workability of FRC, it is essential to use highly effective water-reducing admixtures such as our MC-PowerFlow high-performance superplasticisers.

Finding the right balance for the FRC mix

The key is to find the right balance when adjusting the grain-size distribution curve for your concrete. During the mixing process, fibres require the coarse aggregates present to be properly distributed. At the same time, fibres usually need a higher proportion of fine particles to achieve the required workability.


MC’s concrete expertise ensures reliable FRC solutions

Our concrete experts help concrete producers by advising on the appropriate concrete mix design for a given fibre geometry. This is to ensure homogeneous fibre distribution and avoid segregation and balling. Good fibre distribution is particularly important for structural applications, as the fibres should be able to bridge cracks and transfer stresses throughout the concrete to maximise their effectiveness.


Collaborating with us means gaining access to our technical support during the entire concrete production process. We are committed to providing reliable and effective concrete solutions that enable our customers to create structures that meet the highest standards of strength and durability.

MC-Fibre® solutions for various applications

MC offers two fibre types: MC-Fibre® Micro and MC-Fibre® Macro. MC-Fibre® Micro helps to reduce microcracking at an early stage, mainly caused by shrinkage and settlement. MC-Fibre® Macro is available in various geometries and is suitable for structural purposes. It improves post-cracking mechanical properties due to its ability to transfer loads and redistribute stresses, allowing the partial or total replacement of traditional bar reinforcement. Thus, with our new MC-Fibre® in combination with our concrete admixtures and our expertise in concrete technology, we can offer concrete manufacturers an exceptional overall package for fibre-reinforced concrete.

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