120 participants at 10th anniversary CROM training event

Mar 05, 2020

The tenth annual edition of the training course series “CROM – Certified Rehabilitation Of Manholes” took place in February this year. 80 sewerage network operators, planning professionals and refurbishment contractors took part in the course modules provided at MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop, each tailored to the specific needs of those three groups. In addition, there was also a training course at MC-Bauchemie in Dintikon (Switzerland) at the end of January, which was booked to capacity with 40 participants.

Group photo of the participants of the two-day training course for specialist applicators held on 18 and 19 February 2020 in the “Deminar” hall of MC-Bauchemie's training centre in Bottrop. “Deminar” is a term created by MC from (product) demonstration and seminar.
Group photo of the participants of the two-day training course for specialist applicators held on 18 and 19 February 2020 in the “Deminar” hall of MC-Bauchemie's training centre in Bottrop. “Deminar” is a term created by MC from (product) demonstration and seminar.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

For the last ten years, the annual training series “CROM – Certified Rehabilitation Of Manholes” has remained highly popular with participants in the sewerage refurbishment market. The joint event run by Kaiserslautern University of Science and Technology under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Körkemeyer from the Faculty of Construction Engineering and Management, and MC-Bauchemie, offers planning engineers, sewerage network operators involved in tendering activities, and specialist refurbishment contractors a unique mix of sound knowledge transfer and practical application expertise in manhole rehabilitation. “The aim of our series of courses is to improve the quality and safety of manhole rehabilitation measures from planning to implementation,” says Prof. Karsten Körkemeyer, adding:  “And this we have been able to achieve with some considerable success over the past ten years.” Every course participant receives not only the theoretical basis they need but also an opportunity to practice all the essential steps of the rehabilitation process.

Course in Switzerland completely booked out

The course series began in the anniversary year on 29 January 2020 with the CROM event in Switzerland, which – attracting 40 employees of planning engineering offices, sewerage system operators and application contractors – was completely booked out and a total success. The response was so good that there is every probability that the event will be repeated next year.

CROM Week in Germany started with an intensive course for planning engineers and sewerage network operators engaged in tendering activities. It took place on 17 February 2020 in MC’s training centre in Bottrop, imparting theory and practice on topics such as condition assessment and damage evaluation, as well as the planning, execution and quality monitoring of rehabilitation measures carried out on manholes and accessible sewerage structures.

Huge interest in application course for rehabilitation contractors

At the once again fully booked out two-day user training course for specialist applicators, which took place on 18 and 19 February 2020, the agenda included damage types and fracture mechanisms, the fundamentals of concrete and mortar technology, and the special requirements of mortar used in the sewerage and wastewater sector. The attendees were taken through the individual stages of the refurbishment process from substrate preparation and waterproofing to mineral reprofiling and coating, together with quality control – all supported by practical, hands-on exercises to consolidate the theory.

Advanced training course for applicators extends expertise

In the subsequent one-day advanced training course for applicators on 20 February 2020, those skilled users who had already successfully completed the applicator course on the previous days or in previous years were able to deepen their knowledge of manhole rehabilitation to expert level. In addition to spray-applied and automated machine coating using the MRT* process with mineral and reaction-resin-based mortar systems, the course also covered key aspects of occupational safety. During the practical sessions, these specialist operatives again had a chance to apply the coating systems in hands-on practicals.

As always, the participants had to complete their respective courses with a written examination in order to receive the CROM certificate. This identifies holders as certified manhole rehabilitators and has established itself as a quality mark for effective, durable and sustainable manhole refurbishment in the German-speaking market.


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