African Week at MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop

Mar 07, 2016

Hailing from Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Uganda, a group of planners, specifiers, building contractors, and applicators in the employ of concrete producers and concrete product manufacturers gathered at the MC Training Centre in Bottrop to participate from 29 February to 4 March 2016 in a technical seminar dealing with the manufacture, repair and protection of concrete.

The African guests showed great interest in the product demonstration illustrating industrial floor coatings provided in the MC Events and Training Centre on Müllerstrasse in Bottrop.
The African guests showed great interest in the product demonstration illustrating industrial floor coatings provided in the MC Events and Training Centre on Müllerstrasse in Bottrop.
© MC-Bauchemie 2016

The seminar was geared to providing the participants with both theoretical and practical knowledge, with the subject matter changing from one day to the next. On the first day, the emphasis was on concrete manufacturing: What are the specific challenges that have to be met? What flaws, defects and damage can occur? Concrete experts from MC dealt with these questions while providing insights into the fundamentals of concrete and concrete admixture technology. They also offered specific recommendations on how to effectively control and achieve various concrete properties. On the second day, the agenda moved on to the waterproofing of concrete structures. The third day of the seminar focused on the fundamentals of screed and mortar technology together with application guidance and solutions for tiling applications. The last two days were given over to the subject of concrete repairs: from analysing the condition of the concrete and preparing the substrate to the injection work and other concrete surface refurbishment and protection techniques.
Last but not least, the participants were also instructed on the application of floor coatings based on reaction resins. The presentations held by the MC experts were supported each day with practical demonstrations provided by MC’s Applications Engineering department in the Deminar hall of the MC Training Centre.
MC-Bauchemie can look back on many years of successful business relationships throughout the African continent, where it has also been represented for a few years now by its own company in Guinea, West Africa.

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