Artist Brele Scholz in an interview with MC

Sep 15, 2016

Brele Scholz (59), an artist living in Aachen (Germany), chose our international concrete symposium in October 2012 to premiere her European Heads (larger-than-life wood sculptures). She has now remoulded these works of art, using MC casting resin as her material of choice. In the following interview the artist explains what she wants to express with her work and why she has chosen a construction chemical product.

Brele Scholz at work
Brele Scholz at work
© Brele Scholz © Harald Schluttig

What are you trying to say with your European Heads?

Brele Scholz: The 28 heads represent the 28 members of the EU. We Europeans are extremely diverse, and yet we are “cut from the same wood”. I wanted to set down a marker for diversity. We are all dependent upon one another. National barriers simply impede our progress.

What gave you the idea for the “Remoulded Europeans”?

Brele Scholz: I opened up the European Heads in order to highlight the complex reality of social change in Europe. Europe as a brainchild and artificial creation needs to become anchored in the real world populated by real people. A European identity is not something that will develop overnight.

Why did you choose casting resin from MC for your work?

Brele Scholz: When I first came to MC, I was immediately interested in its casting resin. I had been looking for a new material for a long time that I could use in addition to wood. It had to be a modern but artistic material which could complement natural wood. I experimented for several weeks with MC-DUR 1204 and discovered, among other things, that you can use various colours to paint it, thus creating multi-layered complexities in the truest sense, which I found I could use to perfect effect for my head shrines.

About Brele Scholz

Brele Scholz (59) worked in France as a natural stone mason and restorer for 13 years before, at the age of 30, she returned to Aachen. She rented a studio and has been working there since that time as a professional artist. Self-taught, she started with painting and moved to sculpture through photography.

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