Biodegradable Decoater

Apr 13, 2023

MC-Bauchemie has expanded its current product portfolio with Konudur Remover 2.1. The decoater was specially developed for removing surface coatings and offers easy processing and environmentally friendly properties.

After sufficient exposure time of the decoating agent, several layers of paint can be removed in one operation.
After sufficient exposure time of the decoating agent, several layers of paint can be removed in one operation.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

If coatings such as varnish or paint have to be removed from surfaces, so-called decoaters are used. Their special composition ensures that coatings are softened or destroyed to such an extent that they can be easily removed mechanically. MC's Konudur Remover 2.1 is suitable, for example, for removing surface coatings in power plant environments, corrosion protection paints on bridges, paints and varnishes of all kinds, and carpet adhesive residues.

Easy application and gentle action

Konudur Remover 2.1 is particularly easy to handle. Ready for immediate use, it can be applied with tools such as spatulas and brushes. This means that even small areas can be decoated without much effort, noise or dirt. For larger areas, it can be applied by machine using spraying techniques. The removal of the surface coating follows a simple principle: First, Konudur Remover 2.1 is applied to the coating to be removed. After the application, the processed surfaces must be covered with foil to prevent the decoater from drying out and to intensify the dissolving of the old coating. After the exposure time, which depends on the type of coating and ambient temperature, the detached old coating can be removed with a spatula or wire brush. Residues of the decoater on used tools are simply removed with water. In contrast to other decoating methods, such as sandblasting, Konudur Remover 2.1 is not abrasive, which protects the surface to be decoated. There is also no need for time-consuming enclosure against noise and dirt.

The environmentally friendly alternative

Conventional solvent-based decoaters contain substances that are harmful to people and the environment. For example, the vapors generated during the application of a solvent-based decoater can be hazardous to health, which is why comprehensive protective measures must be taken during processing. Konudur Remover 2.1 is an environmentally friendly alternative to this. It is CHC-free and pH-neutral. The material is biodegradable and can be used indoors, as there is no odor nuisance such as occurs with solvent-based decoaters.

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