Decorative and drainable stone carpet

May 28, 2024

The new MC-DUR TopSpeed StoneCarpet from MC-Bauchemie utilises all the advantages of MC‘s fast-acting and weather-tolerant KineticBoost-Technology®, as well as offering many individual design options.

MC-DUR TopSpeed StoneCarpet is the decorative and drainable stone carpet from MC-Bauchemie.
MC-DUR TopSpeed StoneCarpet is the decorative and drainable stone carpet from MC-Bauchemie.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

MC-DUR TopSpeed Stone Carpet uses the special resin MC-DUR TopSpeed T as a binder, with marble gravel or coloured quartz as the aggregate. The reactive resin is mixed with the aggregate, applied to the substrate, spread and then levelled smooth. The result is a decorative, drainage-capable, robust and low-maintenance wear layer.


MC-DUR TopSpeed T is based on KineticBoost-Technology®, which means that the stone carpet can be applied at temperatures of 2 to 35 °C, almost regardless of the weather. The floor covering is rainproof after 30 minutes and can be walked on after just two hours. It is therefore particularly suitable for coating balconies, loggias and arcades.

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