MC-KKS/B receives ETA certificate

Mar 11, 2025

Cathodic corrosion protection (CCP) is an effective solution for repairing damaged reinforced concrete structures. The MC-KKS/B system solution from MC-Bauchemie and Grillo Zinc Metalls GmbH has now received the ETA certificate that proves its performance, use and safety at a European level.

A zinc coating is applied to the concrete surface by thermal arc spraying.
A zinc coating is applied to the concrete surface by thermal arc spraying.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Cathodic corrosion protection (CCP) is a fast-acting, cost-effective and largely non-destructive method for repairing chloride-contaminated structures. The worldwide unique and patented system solution MC-KKS/B, which MC and Grillo Zinc Metalls GmbH have developed in co-operation, helps to permanently and economically maintain already damaged but still stable reinforced concrete structures in their current condition. The MC-KKS/B system protects the reinforcing steel by applying an electrical potential. The polarisation of the reinforcing steel with the galvanic anode (zinc tip layer) ensures a reduction in potential, so that the corrosion rate drops to a technically negligible value. The galvanised anode is protected by a surface protection system. In car parks, products such as MC-DUR KKS-Base and MC-DUR KKS-Top are used for this purpose, which promise durable and long-lasting protection of the anode and the structure.

MC-KKS/B saves time and costs

The advantages of the system are, on the one hand, the high cost savings due to the elimination of the cost-intensive removal of the chloride-contaminated concrete. On the other hand, it saves a great deal of time when carrying out the repair work, as there is no need for the curing times that would be required for a new concrete and mortar structure. The system is applied quickly, and the renovated object is soon ready for use again.

ETA-24/0300 certificate  for MC-KKS/B system

The ETA certificate proves the performance, use and safety of construction products at European level. The MC-KKS/B system solution from MC and Grillo Zinc Metalls GmbH has received the ETA-24/0300 certificate.

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