#europasindwir - MC flies the flag for Europe

May 09, 2019

On 7 May 2019, MC-Bauchemie used the opportunity of a management conference to restate its commitment to democracy and cohesion in Europe by endorsing the campaign #europasindwir (“We are Europe”) launched by regional association “Initiativkreis Ruhr”. Meeting at MC-Bauchemie’s training centre in Bottrop, more than 80 managers from the MC group of companies in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) expressed their support for this clear declaration in favour of Europe.

Meeting at MC-Bauchemie’s training centre in Bottrop on 7 May 2019, more than 80 managers from the MC group of companies in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) expressed their support for a clear declaration in favour of Europe.
Meeting at MC-Bauchemie’s training centre in Bottrop on 7 May 2019, more than 80 managers from the MC group of companies in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) expressed their support for a clear declaration in favour of Europe.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

In April 2019, Initiativkreis Ruhr launched the #europasindwir campaign to call on all citizens entitled to vote to make use of their basic democratic right to free elections and to take part in the European ballot on 26 May 2019. “For more than half a century, the European Union has been the basis for peace, stability and prosperity on the continent of Europe. More than a trading bloc, it is a community of values,” reads one of the messages in Initiativkreis Ruhr’s call to vote. “However, the European idea has reached a critical point in its evolution. The shared values and achievements benefiting all citizens of the European Union are being increasingly threatened by populist and nationalist tendencies.” The European elections are therefore the right time for EU citizens to commit to a peaceful and democratic Europe.

Convinced Europeans

“We support this campaign of Initiativkreis Ruhr, not least because our group of companies has benefited from the political and economic stability that has reigned in Europe since the 1970s, when we began our expansion across German borders into other European countries,” explains Dr. Claus-M. Müller, Managing Partner of MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG. “We are also convinced Europeans and are fully committed to this community of values that is the European Union.” Although the German market continues to play an important role in MC-Bauchemie’s business activities, the Bottrop-based company is now active in well over 20 European countries and more than 40 countries worldwide. MC-Bauchemie therefore now generates a large part of its sales in other European countries, which also helps secure the further development of its German site.

About Initiativkreis Ruhr

Initiativkreis Ruhr is an association that joins together 74 commercial enterprises and institutions – including MC-Bauchemie – in the promotion of economic development and structural change in the Ruhr region and in support of projects in the fields of business, education and culture. For further information on Initiativkreis Ruhr, go to: https://i-r.de/

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