New special reaction resin for liner-attachment

Nov 07, 2018

Developed as a special-purpose two-component reaction resin, Konudur Flexfit is characterised by its easy workability, its high moisture compatibility during application, and its very rapid resistance to water.

Once mixed, Konudur Flexfit can be easily applied – even overhead – with a float, trowel or putty knife, with no unpleasant odours to cause a nuisance.
Once mixed, Konudur Flexfit can be easily applied – even overhead – with a float, trowel or putty knife, with no unpleasant odours to cause a nuisance.
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Simple, fast application, high resilience

Once mixed, Konudur Flexfit can be easily applied – even overhead – with a float, trowel or putty knife, with no unpleasant odours to cause a nuisance. The stable reaction resin filler/sealant offers good adhesion to all dry and matt mineral substrates of a sewerage system as well as dry GRP laminates, and is chemically and mechanically highly resilient. Under normal sewerage system temperatures, Konudur Flexfit becomes water-resistant after just 25 to 30 minutes. This results in significant time savings in rehabilitation work, as well as minimised traffic disruption and water retention times, with appreciable cost savings therefore also ensuing. MC’s special reaction resin remains permanently flexible, ensuring effective compensation for changes in liner length due to shrinkage or temperature changes.


In addition to the attachment of locally curing pipe liners to drainage and sewer manholes, Konudur Flexfit can also be used for manual connection of lateral inlets in downshafts and accessible sewers as well as for filling and sealing sleeves and couplings, even in permanently flooded areas.

Konudur Flexfit CS – the cartridge alternative

MC-Bauchemie also offers its new reaction resin filler/sealant in double-chamber cartridges as Konudur Flexfit CS, a product that can be applied directly on site with the MC-Fastpack Power-Tool, MC's air-operated
2-component manual dispenser. The benefit here, of course, is that the use of disposable static mixers eliminates the need for a separate mixing operation. Production of Konudur Flexfit and Konudur Flexfit CS is certified according to ISO 9001. DIBt approval as a shaft connection resin for pipe liner systems is currently pending.

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