MC-Bauchemie acquires Bautek in Chile

Feb 09, 2016

Following the purchase of PK Chile in 2014 and now with the acquisition of Bautek at the end of 2015, MC-Bauchemie Chile has seen its market position in the country appreciably expand. MC-Bauchemie Chile and Bautek become MC Bautek Chile.

Group picture at the union celebration: Nicolaus Müller and Jacques Pinto, together responsible for the expansion of MC in South America, celebrated together with Bautek employees the merger of Bautek and MC-Bauchemie to form MC Bautek Chile.
Group picture at the union celebration: Nicolaus Müller and Jacques Pinto, together responsible for the expansion of MC in South America, celebrated together with Bautek employees the merger of Bautek and MC-Bauchemie to form MC Bautek Chile.
© MC-Bauchemie 2015

The Chilean company Bautek was established in 1994 and is well known for high-quality products for the construction, general industry and mining sectors. Its main product groups include waterproofing, flooring products and concrete repair systems.
Bautek has a workforce of some 40 employees and, operating out of its headquarters in Santiago, covers the entire Chilean market. MC-Bauchemie Chile and Bautek have been merged into a single entity now trading under the name MC Bautek Chile. “Having acquired Bautek, we have significantly improved our position in Chile. Our product systems complement each other very well and we have created an excellent basis for introducing and further expanding the product systems of MC-Bauchemie in the Chilean market,” explains Jacques Pinto, Regional Director LATAM and Managing Director of MC Brazil, which also functions as the lead company for MC in Chile.
The Chilean economy, the fourth largest in South America, has registered the strongest growth rates in the LATAM region over the last ten years and continues to offer major growth opportunities. “As MC Bautek Chile, we intend to expand our product range with MC’s injection technologies and also to strengthen our market position in the fields of floor coating and concrete repair,” says Nicolaus Müller, Sales Manager at MC Brazil and together with Jaques Pinto responsible for the expansion of MC in South America.

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