MC-Bauchemie carries out protective vaccination against COVID-19

Jun 21, 2021

180 employees of MC-Bauchemie and 80 family members received a company protective vaccination against COVID-19 with the mRNA vaccine Comirnaty® from BioNTech/Pfizer on the company premises of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop on 17 and 18 June 2021.

180 employees and 80 family members received a company vaccination against COVID-19 with the mRNA vaccine Comirnaty® from BioNTech/Pfizer on the MC-Bauchemie company premises in Bottrop on 17 and 18 June 2021.
180 employees and 80 family members received a company vaccination against COVID-19 with the mRNA vaccine Comirnaty® from BioNTech/Pfizer on the MC-Bauchemie company premises in Bottrop on 17 and 18 June 2021.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

"We are happy that we have succeeded in offering a vaccination appointment to all employees in the catchment area of our headquarters in Bottrop who have registered for a company vaccination against COVID-19," says Nicolaus M. Müller, Managing Partner of MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG. He is satisfied with the company's vaccination campaign which was implemented on 17 and 18 June 2021 on the company premises of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop.

80 family members were also vaccinated

Since some employees had already received their vaccination through other channels in the meantime, the Corona crisis team of MC-Bauchemie called on family members to register as well. The employees of MC-Bauchemie were happy to do so, as 80 family members could also be vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccination using the mRNA vaccine Comirnaty® from BioNTech/Pfizer. The Corona crisis team of MC-Bauchemie used a currently vacant building on the Am Kruppwald industrial estate in Bottrop to carry out the vaccinations. The vaccinations were carried out by MC-Bauchemie's company doctor Dr Bernd Wiesenhütter and his team.

Vaccination offers safety for staff and company

"We are very satisfied with the organisation and implementation of the vaccination campaign. The feedback from our staff was overwhelmingly good. The work of our Corona crisis team was worthwhile, and I would like to thank them once again for their commitment," says Nicolaus M. Müller and adds: "We have come through the corona virus pandemic very well so far, because we took the right protective measures at an early stage. With this step, we are increasing safety both for our employees and for our business operations as such." For logistical reasons, vaccinations could only be offered to employees in the catchment area of the Bottrop site. However, Nicolaus M. Müller emphasises: "We are currently doing everything we can do to also offer vaccination to our employees at our other locations in Germany."


With their first appointment, the 260 vaccinated employees and family members also received the date for their second vaccination, which will take place in July.


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