Elegant MRP for long-lasting moisture control

May 13, 2020

MC-Bauchemie's new Elegant MRP moisture regulating plaster and render is suitable for low-salt-laden and damp masonry up to a moisture penetration level of 95%. With its special pore geometry, it ensures permanent and effective dampness control, imparting an aesthetically pleasing appearance to the surface without undergoing any functional impairment.

MC-Bauchemie's new Elegant MRP moisture regulating plaster and rende creates a highly attractive plastered or rendered surface without undergoing any functional impairment.
MC-Bauchemie's new Elegant MRP moisture regulating plaster and rende creates a highly attractive plastered or rendered surface without undergoing any functional impairment.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Moisture regulation for cellars, living spaces and heritage structures

Elegant MRP can be used indoors and outdoors and is ideally suited for the ecological restoration of cellars and living spaces as well as for the rehabilitation of historical and listed buildings.


The new product meets the recommendations of Germany’s WTA building conservation council issued in Merkblatt (code of practice) 2-14 in which moisture regulating plasters were included as functional renders for the first time in mid-2019. As single-component moisture regulating lime plaster / render, Elegant MRP is ready for use once mixed with water. It exhibits good application properties and a very high moisture and water absorption capability. Containing natural hydraulic lime, it not only controls dampness, it also acts as a mould inhibitor. It also offers both good cohesion and very good substrate adhesive properties. And it is resistant to weathering and both splash- and flood-water. Entire coating structures can be implemented efficiently and economically on site with this moisture regulating plaster / render.

Exzellent STP for high salt loads

Elegant MRP has been specifically developed for building zones and masonry exhibiting high damp penetration with low salt loads. Where heavy to very severe salt loads are present, MC-Bauchemie offers Excellent STP, a special salt transport render. It creates a well balanced ratio of macropores to micropores, with the interlinked macropores facilitating not only the transport of moisture to the component surface but also the salts dissolved therein. These can then be readily removed without causing any damage to the plastered or rendered surface.

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