New high-speed floor coating with crack-bridging

Jul 04, 2019

In developing new MC-DUR TopSpeed flex, MC-Bauchemie has added a high-performance crack-bridging coating to its extensive MC-DUR TopSpeed range. This innovation is ideally suited for use both in areas at risk of cracking and in zones in which crack widening is already occurring. MC-DUR TopSpeed flex is quick and easy to apply, with rapid curing largely independent of moisture and temperature influences. Complete industrial floors and exterior surfaces can be built up and coated with this product in just a day, with full resilience available after only a few hours more.

MC-DUR TopSpeed flex is a highly flexible floor coating system based on KineticBoost Technology® developed by MC-Bauchemie for use both in areas at risk of cracking and in zones in which crack widening is already occurring.
MC-DUR TopSpeed flex is a highly flexible floor coating system based on KineticBoost Technology® developed by MC-Bauchemie for use both in areas at risk of cracking and in zones in which crack widening is already occurring.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Available in a variety of colours, MC-DUR TopSpeed flex is a highly flexible roller-applied coating based on MC-Bauchemie’s KineticBoost-Technology®. The two-component reaction resin offers all the advantages of the MC-DUR TopSpeed product family. It combines simple application and rapid curing – largely independent of moisture and temperature influences – with very good crack-bridging performance. With a total layer thickness of 0.6 mm, the verified values read 0.8 mm static at 23 °C (crack-bridging class A3 in accordance with EN 1062-7:2004) or 0.4 mm at –10 °C (crack-bridging class A2) and 0.15 mm dynamic at –10 °C. This highly flexible rapid floor coating can thus be applied both in areas at risk of cracking and in zones in which crack widening is already occurring.

Unique properties and application variability

MC-Bauchemie launched the MC-DUR TopSpeed high-performance coating system onto the market at the end of 2013. It includes primers, repair mortars, coatings and sealants, all based on MC’s KineticBoost Technology®, which means they can be applied safely and quickly under critical environmental conditions, i.e. in the wet and at temperatures ranging from 2 to 35 °C. The company has thus developed a unique product system with which complete industrial floors and exterior surfaces can be built up and coated in just a day, with full resilience available after only a few hours more. Conventional floor coatings based on polyurethane and epoxy resin can only be applied at temperatures between 8 and 30° C. Under cooler conditions and in the wet or indeed just in the presence of ambient moisture, they are less reliable, developing problems such as lack of adhesion, bubbles, pits and porosities, as well as exhibiting significantly slower curing behaviour by comparison.
MC-DUR TopSpeed offers the flexibility of indoor or outdoor use in industrial facilities as well as in multi-storey car parks, in shop construction or even in classic residential applications, e.g. on balconies, terraces and access galleries. Once in place, the coating and its finish will ensure many years of aesthetically pleasing and exceptionally resilient usage – MC-DUR TopSpeed is UV-resistant, exceptionally resistant to scratching and also offers high abrasion resistance. Thanks to its properties, it is particularly suited not just to applications in winter, but also in tropical regions such as Southeast Asia, where classic reaction resins have little chance of success due to air humidity and the high substrate moisture contents encountered in such climates.

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