New sealing tape for safe connection of window elements in the plinth area

Oct 07, 2021

MC-Bauchemie has launched MC-FastTape FD, a new sealing tape that can be used to safely connect floor-level window elements to the plinth seal. In combination with the Nafuflex and MC-Proof sealants from MC-Bauchemie, the sealing tape offers tested safety for planners and processors.

For the connection of window elements in the plinth area, the permanently elastic, self-adhesive and quick-to-apply  MC-FastTape FD sealing tape from MC-Bauchemie offers tested safety.
For the connection of window elements in the plinth area, the permanently elastic, self-adhesive and quick-to-apply MC-FastTape FD sealing tape from MC-Bauchemie offers tested safety.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

The connection of floor-level window elements in the plinth area often poses problems for planners and contractors. If the connection to the plinth seal is not consistent and uninterrupted, the building seal cannot fully fulfill its function. With MC-FastTape FD, MC-Bauchemie has launched a permanently elastic, self-adhesive sealing tape that is quick to apply and enables reliable integration of floor-to-ceiling window elements and thus reliable plinth sealing.

Tested safety

The special feature is that the tests were carried out in combination with MC-Bauchemie's Nafuflex and MC-Proof sealants, thus providing users and builders with even more tested safety in the critical area of plinth sealing. MC-FastTape FD, when used in combination with the Nafuflex and MC-Proof sealants, meets the important window test standards DIN EN-1026 and DIN EN-1027 and has been tested for air impermeability and driving rain resistance. The three-layer sealing tape is waterproof, but open to water vapor diffusion thanks to a diffusion strip, and is thus also suitable for use in prefabricated wood construction. The sealing tape adheres to all standard building substrates and can be applied quickly and easily. The sealing tape is embedded in the plinth seal. A special fleece lamination ensures the adhesive bond between the sealing layer and the plinth seal.


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