
Mar 01, 2018

The new sealing tapes from MC-Bauchemie of the MC-FastTape product family are quick and easy to use for wall and floor connections as well as for exterior wall joints and construction and expansion joints, helping to ensure rapid building progress and reliable sealing.

New product family of sealing tapes MC-FastTape.
New product family of sealing tapes MC-FastTape.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

The MC-FastTape products consist of thermoplastic elastomer laminated on both sides with fleece. They are permanently flexible, tear-resistant and waterproof, yet still open to water vapour diffusion. They are further characterised by their very high resistance to ageing and chemical attack. With MC-FastTape, MC offers sealing tapes in widths of 300 and 500 mm for use in building expansion joints as well as general construction and expansion joints, and also fillet sealing tapes and pre-formed inner and outer corners for indoor and outdoor wall and floor intersection connections.

Construction and expansion joints

New MC-FastTape 300 and MC-FastTape 500 are particularly suitable for the sealing of expansion joints in accordance with the new German structural waterproofing standard DIN 18533. This requires that joint tapes are embedded in the mastic sealant by at least 10 cm on both sides. To facilitate compliance, these two sealing tapes from MC feature markings showing the minimum dimension. MC-FastTape 300 or 500 is embedded in the first layer of the sealant material and then the second layer is applied.

Wall and floor connections

MC-FastTape fillet sealing tape is faster, more reliable and more cost-effective than a mineral bead. This tape too is embedded in the first layer of the sealant material. MC recommends laying in a bitumen coating of the Nafuflex range or a reactive sealant of the Expert Proof product family to ensure the best results and facilitate building authority approval (already available in Germany). Using MC-FastTape also means that there is no time-consuming chamfering work required on the insulation boards. The new product family offers tailored shapes and profiles, including MC-FastTape IE and MC-FastTape AE, which are specifically designed to ensure a tight fit around internal and external corners.

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