Next generation concrete release paste

May 17, 2023

MC-Bauchemie has added a new product to its Ortolan range of concrete release agents. Ortolan Extra 795 not only meets high technical requirements, but also environmental and health criteria.

Where absorbent formwork such as wood or OSB is used in the production of textured architectural concretes, Ortolan Extra 795 provides high quality, low porosity surfaces and natural textures.
Where absorbent formwork such as wood or OSB is used in the production of textured architectural concretes, Ortolan Extra 795 provides high quality, low porosity surfaces and natural textures.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

When it comes to smooth fair-faced concrete and textured architectural concrete, specially developed, modern concrete release agents are essential. With Ortolan Extra 795, MC has launched a multi-functional product designed for both the precast industry and the job site. Its easy spray application and short flash-off time make it easy to use in tight production schedules. Ortolan Extra 795 is weather resistant and robust enough to withstand the rigours of the job site. 

For absorbent and non-absorbent formwork

Ortolan Extra 795 is suitable for both absorbent and non-absorbent formwork. On non-absorbent formwork, such as resin and steel, the product is used to achieve a high quality, low-porosity surface, e.g. for the production of smooth fair-faced concrete. For safe demoulding and a high quality surface finish, a thin spray application is followed by a gentle wipe to create a homogeneous film on the formwork surface. Ortolan Extra 795 is also used on structural matrices, i.e. elastic, textured formwork inserts. In concrete façade construction, for example, individual designs and natural textures can be created. This means that there are virtually no limits to the freedom of architectural design.

The use of absorbent formwork such as wood or OSB for the production of textured architectural concrete is a task which requires a great deal of experience. The unavoidable presence of wood sugars, which tend to interact undesirably with fresh concrete, makes this task particularly challenging. Young wood and new, rough-sawn formwork boards contain carbohydrates that can delay the hardening of the concrete surface and lead to spalling and discolouration during demoulding. To prevent this from happening, Ortolan Extra 795 acts as a protective film. At the same time it enables the boards to be used several times.

Occupational safety and sustainable construction

Ortolan Extra 795 is an aqueous emulsion and does not require labelling under the CLP Regulation as it does not contain any hazardous chemicals. This aspect improves the health and safety of workers. MC-Bauchemie's new release agent cream has been awarded the best possible GISCODE: BTM 01. The GISCODE classification is not only important for occupational safety, it is also the basis for the use of concrete release agents in the field of sustainable construction. In Germany, sustainable building projects are mostly carried out according to the DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.). In the criteria catalogue "ENV 1.2 - Risks for the local environment", the DGNB defines the suitability of concrete release agents on the basis of four quality levels (QS 1: low, QS 4: high). Products that do not meet these requirements are not accepted and may not be used. The product's GISCODE is used to determine the quality level. Ortolan Extra 795 achieves the highest possible Quality Level 4, supporting builders and specifiers in their sustainability efforts.

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