Nigerian entrepreneurs visit MC-Bauchemie

May 16, 2024

At the invitation of the German Association for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), a group of Nigerian entrepreneurs spent two months visiting companies and institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia. One of the stops they made on their trip was at MC-Bauchemie’s headquarters in Bottrop.

Group photo with the Nigerian entrepreneurs in front of MC-Bauchemie’s headquarters in Bottrop.
Group photo with the Nigerian entrepreneurs in front of MC-Bauchemie’s headquarters in Bottrop.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Insights into production

MC welcomed some very special guests in April 2024. Ten Nigerian entrepreneurs from various industries visited Kruppwald and looked behind the scenes at the headquarters of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop. In addition to a tour of MC's premises and production facilities, possible collaborations were also discussed. The visit was organised and supervised by the Senior Expert Service from Bonn, a leading German secondment organisation for volunteer specialists and managers who are retired or taking a career break.


Culture of the Ruhr region

One region in NRW stands out in particular: the Ruhr area. For decades, it has been characterised by its great working-class culture and is widely known for this. The unique atmosphere is also noticeable among the African guests. "You learn a lot about the history and the feeling in this region. I think the Ruhr region would be a good place to work", says Michael Okoye, who runs a money transfer app in Nigeria. Nigerian Echefu Princess runs a logistics company for large industrial projects. She has specific ideas about what the trip should achieve: “We are looking for business ideas and new technologies that we can develop together.”

Outlook for the future

The impressions gained had an impact on the Nigerian guests: "It was very informative. I see great potential for a partnership. Nigeria is a huge market for the construction industry", says Okoye. Yassine Ben Ayada, Area Manager Africa at MC-Bauchemie, also shares this view: “MC-Bauchemie has long-standing business relationships throughout the African continent and has been present in Ghana, Guinea and Ethiopia for many years. At the beginning of the year, we also established a new company in Tanzania. But Nigeria is also an interesting market for us.” MC-Bauchemie is now active with its own companies in the west, east and southeast of the African continent.


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