New sustainability page is online

Sep 16, 2022

We have launched a sustainability page on our website where you can find information in different subheadings about the role sustainability plays at MC. Furthermore, you learn how we protect the climate and the environment with ecologically sound and climate-friendly products and manufacturing processes, as well as what our approach to sustainable management is.

View of the starting page of MC's new sustainability webpage
View of the starting page of MC's new sustainability webpage
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Sustainability at MC

The new sustainability page gives you an overview how MC-Bauchemie pursues the goal of continually improving material and energy efficiency and reducing emissions and waste with a whole range of environmental programmes. Numerous research projects, innovative products as well as the reduction of water consumption, heating oil consumption and the reduction of greenhouse emissions through the recycling of old goods prove how sustainable solutions from MC can make their way from theory into practice.

Environment & Climate Protection

In this section, we take a look at the environmental goals. You can also find information about the audit according to ISO 14001, the internationally recognised environmental management standard, which MC-Bauchemie undergoes every year. Furthermore, we inform you about the return of plastics, paper, cardboard, wood and kraft paper bags into the recycling process and how this makes an important contribution to environmental and climate protection.

Sustainable Building & Refurbishment

Modern building means sustainable building! This is an important topic; therefore, we are focusing on it in this section. The overall objective is to minimize the energy and resource consumption for the production of products and to enhance the manufacture of environmentally and user-friendly building products that are also durable and ensure a positive environmental balance.



Then, take a look at our new sustainability website:

>> Click here for the sustainability page of the MC ... 

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