MC-Color T 21's First Application in Brazil

São Paulo - SP - Brasil

MC-Bauchemie’s advanced repair products were recently used to restore and protect the Jornalista Fernando Vieira de Mello Tunnel in São Paulo. This vital tunnel, built in 2004 with a length of 583 m, connects Av. Eusébio Matoso with Av. Rebouças, and is a critical part of the city’s traffic infrastructure. Given its significance for urban mobility, the project demanded swift execution and advanced technical expertise.

Challenges and Solutions

The rehabilitation project presented multiple challenges, such as extensive wear and tear due to continuous traffic, and a short downtime for repair. Thanks to MC-Bauchemie’s deep expertise in tunnel rehabilitation and its trusted relationship with the client, MC-Bauchemie products were used exclusively throughout the project.


To address water infiltration through cracks and fissures in the tunnel walls, MC-Injekt 2133 — a single-component polyurethane foam — was used to seal leaks. MC-Injekt 2700 L, a structural polyurethane resin, was also applied, featuring extended application time to simplify execution in such a high-demand environment.


For rapid and effective concrete repair within the tunnel, Nafufill CR — a three-in-one repair mortar with an integrated corrosion inhibitor and bonding agent — was chosen. This greatly increased application speed and reduced execution time, key factors for a busy traffic structure. Additionally, Nafufill KM 250, a polymer-modified, fire-resistant mortar (Class F120), was employed to enhance the concrete’s resistance, further securing the structural integrity and fire resistance of the tunnel.

MC-Color T 21 is applied in the Tunnel.
MC-Color T 21 is applied in the Tunnel.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

In terms of long-term protection, MC-Bauchemie introduced MC-Color T 21, an innovative reflective coating designed specifically for traffic structures like tunnels. MC-Color T 21 is an acrylate-based, high-performance protective coating that provides CO2 resistance and hydrophobic properties, providing superior protection against carbonation and chloride ingress—common issues in tunnel environments. The coating also offers exceptional cleanability, making it easy to maintain, at the same time reducing overall maintenance costs for the tunnel. With its high light reflectance, MC-Color T 21 improves light distribution in enclosed spaces, increasing visibility and safety while reducing energy consumption, a crucial benefit for enclosed spaces like tunnels.


Moreover, MC-Bauchemie supported the project by providing technical training to applicators, ensuring the correct application of materials and solutions. These training sessions were conducted both at MC’s offices and directly on-site at the tunnel.

Project Impact and Significance

The rehabilitation of the Fernando Vieira de Mello Tunnel was an urgent public project with significant implications for São Paulo’s urban mobility. MC-Bauchemie’s tailored solutions helped restore and protect this critical tunnel within the required timeframe, benefiting thousands of daily commuters.


Importantly, this project marked the first application of MC-Color T 21 in Brazil, reinforcing MC-Bauchemie’s position as a leader in cutting-edge, high-performance construction solutions.

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