Multi-storey parking just for bikes

Zaandam - Netherlands

The town of Zaandam with its approximately 70,000 inhabitants is located in the province of Noord-Holland, not far from Amsterdam on the river Zaan.
As everywhere in the Netherlands, the infrastructure for cyclists is well developed here. And construction of a new multi-storey bicycle parking facility directly at the railway station is indicative of the municipality’s commitment to the promotion of alternative modes of mobility.


Floor coating in winter

Local planners nunc architecten scheduled the coating work on the floors of the newly built multi-storey bike park for December 2019 and January 2020, i.e. right in the middle of winter. It was less likely to be very cold at that time, but conditions were certainly going to be extremely wet. The coating system for the facility floors therefore had to offer easy application regardless of the expected weather conditions. Even more challenging was the fact that most areas had to be finished ready for access within 2 hours. In addition to high slip resistance and good cleanability, the specifications included an orange colour scheme. 

The Zaandam project saw round 2,000 m² of floor area coated with MC systems – to the full satisfaction of all involved. Fast, safe, reliable and of visibly high quality, MC-Floor TopSpeed truly delivers, even under wintery environmental conditions.
The Zaandam project saw round 2,000 m² of floor area coated with MC systems – to the full satisfaction of all involved. Fast, safe, reliable and of visibly high quality, MC-Floor TopSpeed truly delivers, even under wintery environmental conditions.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

MC-Floor TopSpeed: The coating for all seasons

Together with the general contractor, Hegeman Bouwgroep from Almelo, and the application company, Coaton BV based in Assendelft, the planners decided to coat the bike park floors with an MC-Floor TopSpeed system featuring KineticBoost Technology®. Thanks to the effectiveness of this groundbreaking technology, the products of the MC-Floor TopSpeed system significantly expand the range of applications for floor coatings, as they can be used even at low temperatures down to 2 °C and under conditions of high air humidity and significant moisture in the substrate. This allows the coating work to be executed under adverse weather conditions and ensures fast and reliable curing regardless of the presence of moisture – always a major factor influencing cost effectiveness.

Reliable, fast system build-up

The reactive resin MC-Floor TopSpeed SC, which also meets the requirements for OS 8 and OS 10 surface protection systems for car parks according to German code DAfStb Rili SIB 2001 and EN 1504-2, served as the primer. In areas of the entry platform to the railway station where rapid fullload accessibility was not required, the contractor used MC's proven MC-DUR Rapid primer F. A sprinkling of grey quartz sand for the entry platform and orange quartz sand for the bike lockup areas was applied to the primers. The top seal chosen for the entry platform floor areas was MC-Floor TopSpeed M, which provided a high-quality matt-transparent finish. MC-Floor TopSpeed in RAL 2003 (pastel orange) enabled the bike park floors to be given a perfect, typically Dutch finish.
The Zaandam project saw round 2,000 m² of floor area coated with MC systems – to the full satisfaction of all involved. Fast, safe, reliable and of visibly high quality, MC-Floor TopSpeed truly delivers, even under wintery environmental conditions.

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