Sustainability at MC

More than three decades ago, MC-Bauchemie had been one of the first companies in the building chemicals industry to introduce an environmental management system. Since then, we have been pursuing the goal of continuously improving our material and energy efficiency and reducing our emissions and waste with a series of environmental programmes. By working in numerous research projects as well as with the development of innovative products and product systems, we have repeatedly proved, especially in recent history, how sustainable solutions can make their way from theory into practice. By this, we do not only save the environment, climate and resources, but also contribute to sustainable development.

An opportunity for sustainable business growth

"Developing tomorrow's technology today." That has been our credo for many decades. Our latest innovations, the Earth Friendly Concrete (EFC) and the climate-friendly tile adhesive Botagreen, prove that this motto also applies to us when it comes to sustainability. We do not understand resource-saving actions as a burden or lip service, but rather as an opportunity for sustainable corporate growth.

Nicolaus Müller, Managing Director of MC-Bauchemie

MC employees for more sustainability

  • Michael Schilf

    „Sustainability in production is both a duty and a choice! In accordance with the DIN ISO 14001 and EMAS certification, we have committed ourselves to making processes such as the planning and design of production lines efficient and sustainable. This also includes the responsible use of resources such as electricity, gas, water and raw materials. For example, we also return old goods to the production cycle in order to reduce waste. We ensure this through targeted monitoring and cyclical auditing of our production sites."

    Michael Schilf, Director Operations & Environmental Management

  • Karsten Koppe

    „Sustainability is a central issue for us – and it is becoming increasingly important. We are researching innovations in the areas of 3D concrete printing, cement-free materials, the activation of secondary raw materials and also the reuse of excavated and demolition materials. These topics are just as important as the resource-saving use of concrete admixtures in all our formulations."

    Dr. Karsten Koppe, Head of Laboratory mineralic materials

  • Carsten Striepecke

    „For many years now, we have been using a fleet of vehicles that meets the currently best Euro VI emission class. In addition, we are constantly working as a team to further reduce our emissions, e.g. by shifting transports to rail or improving the energy balance of our high-bay warehouses."

    Carsten Striepecke, Director Logistics

What we have achieved so far


  • Climate-kind concrete - A key building block for the future

    Sustainably effective concepts are becoming increasingly in demand worldwide as a means to mitigate climate change, in the field of construction, too. Climate-kind concrete can go a long way to significantly improving the carbon footprint of the entire industry.

  • Energy revolution: winding up the wind - powerful, efficient, sustainable

    Wind power continues to carry our hopes for climate-neutral energy generation. MC-Bauchemie offers a wide range of high-performance products and innovative systems for the manufacture, installation, protection and renovation of the associated turbine structures.

  • Promoting sustainable development across Ghana’s construction sector

    MC-Bauchemie is involved in the German-Ghanaian INFRACOST project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the “CLIENT II” initiative.

Sustainability Labels

  • ISO 14001

    MC-Bauchemie is certified according to international environmental management standard ISO 14001. It sets out globally recognised requirements for an environmental management system and is part of a family of standards that includes numerous other codes covering various areas of environmental management.

  • EMAS certificate

    Each year for more than two decades, MC has voluntarily participated in an EMAS eco-audit developed by the European Union by an EMAS-accredited environmental verifier, with the results then being published in an environmental statement.

  • Bio Seal

    The MC "Bio" seal is carried by our Ortolan Bio release agents as well as some of the Ortolan Basic, Classic and Extra lines, which meet the highest environmental standards and the associated DGNB criteria.


    Through its funding initiative “CLIENT II - International Partnerships for Sustainable Innovation”, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports demand-oriented research cooperation with selected emerging and developing countries, such as the German-Ghanaian project INFRACOST, in which MC-Bauchemie is involved.

  • Climate neutral

    MC compensates for the CO2 emissions that inevitably arise as a result of printing MC aktiv by supporting a climate protection project recognised by ClimatePartner. The ClimatePartner seal is a guarantor of the climate-neutrality of our magazine. In addition, MC aktiv is printed on paper from FSC-certified sustainable forestry.

Environment & Climate Protection

Environmental and climate protection has always been a high priority at MC-Bauchemie. Our goal is to continuously improve the quality of our production and products as well as the environmental performance, occupational safety and health protection on the one hand and the profitability of our group of companies on the other. Quality and environmental management systems are firmly integrated in our company organisation.

We have been one of the first chemical companies in Germany to be audited and certified according to both the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality management standards. In this context, we have voluntarily committed ourselves for almost 30 years to participate in an EMAS eco-audit by an EMAS environmental verifier every year and to publish the results, including our environmental targets, in an environmental statement. Thanks to our internal quality and environmental management and regular internal audits, we are able to continuously monitor our environmental protection measures and adjust them if necessary. By returning plastics, paper, cardboard, wood and kraft paper bags to the recycling process, we also make an important contribution to environmental and climate protection.

Sustainability Goals

  • Electricity consumption

    In 2021, the specific electricity consumption was 50.57 kWh per tonne of finished product. This value is to be be reduced by 8 % by the end of 2023.

  • Innovative Technologies

    At the product level, we will save up to 7,000 tonnes of CO2 per year at the upstream value chain stage by the end of 2023 through the use of innovative technologies.

  • CO2 avoidance

    Avoidance of CO2 emissions in the production process of PCE's as well as through the final conversion of the operations in Bottrop from oil to gas. Due to the war in Ukraine and the associated supply problems in the gas sector, some areas at the site switched back to heating oil. Consequently, the pursuit of the aforementioned third environmental goal has to be temporarily suspended.

  • Waste reduction

    Reduce the specific amount of total waste (26,6 kg in 2021) and the specific amount of hazardous waste (4,7 kg in 2021) per tonne of finished product by 5% by the end of 2023.

Certified according to ISO 14001

Every year, MC-Bauchemie undergoes an audit according to ISO 14001, the internationally recognised environmental management standard. After a thorough audit, we have been certified again in 2021. The international environmental management standard sets out globally recognised requirements for an environmental management system and is part of a family of standards that includes numerous other codes covering various areas of environmental management. ISO 14001 focuses on a continuous improvement process as a means of achieving the defined environmental performance objectives of an organisation. MC-Bauchemie has been one of the first chemical companies in Germany to be audited and certified according to both the quality management standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


>> View the ISO 14001 certification

Environmental and climate protection through recycling

By returning plastics, paper, cardboard, wood and kraft paper bags to the recycling process in 2021, MC-Bauchemie in Germany was able to save a calculated 2,241 metric tons of resources, that is to say primary raw materials taken from nature to produce the above-mentioned materials, and cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than 310 metric tons. In this way, MC is also making an important contribution to environmental and climate protection.

Sustainable Building & Refurbishment

Modern building is very much focused on sustainability. Over the past 20 years, this topic has become increasingly important in construction planning and execution. The aim is to minimise the consumption of energy and resources – from raw material extraction to construction and, ultimately, dismantling and recycling. As a manufacturer of building chemical products, MC-Bauchemie also contributes to ensuring sustainability in building construction. We aim to use and supply sustainable product systems that will extend the period of use of a building or part of a building while also improving protection for the environment – be it through special concrete admixtures that enable to produce concretes with recycled materials, cement-free concretes, sealants, concrete release agents, plasters, renders and mortars or through special surface protection coatings.

Solutions for sustainable planning

The DGNB was founded in 2007 and is today Europe's largest network for sustainable construction with around 1,200 member organisations, including MC-Bauchemie. The aim of the association is to promote sustainability in the construction and real estate sectors and to increase awareness of its imperatives in the minds of the general public. With the DGNB certification system, the independent non-profit organisation has developed a planning and optimisation tool for evaluating sustainability in buildings, in interiors and in entire neighbourhoods, thus helping to increase genuine sustainability in construction projects. What all members of the DGNB have in common is their interest in and willingness to actively work for more sustainability in the construction and real estate industries.

The eco-balance of building materials

What is the environmental impact of a building material? These and other questions on the life cycle assessment of building products are becoming increasingly important in the public eye as well as in the construction sector. And answers to such questions can be found in MC-Bauchemie’s Declarations of Conformity with a Model Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). MC-Bauchemie is a dedicated proponent of development aligned to protecting the environment and conserving resources. This also includes sustainable product systems that not only meet ecological and resource-efficiency criteria, but also extend the useful life of a building or part thereof.

Environmentally and userfriendly building materials

MC-Bauchemie manufactures environmentally compatible and resource-efficient construction products aligned to improving the eco-balance of each and every build in which they are used – from special admixtures for producing cement-free concretes, to sealants, concrete release agents, plasters, renders, mortars and surface protection coatings. They contribute significantly to improving the sustainability of a building through a reduction in environmentally harmful emissions, better durability, lower inspection and maintenance costs and a reduced cleaning requirement.

Sustainable products

  • Ortolan Bio 780

    With Ortolan concrete release agents from MC, formwork can be stripped from the concrete smoothly and without residue for the achievement of flawless concrete surfaces. The Ortolan Bio 780 are meet the highest environmental standards and related DGNB criteria.

  • Mycoflex 488 MS

    The permanently flexible MS polymer sealer Mycoflex 488 MS from MC is solvent-free and thus practically odourless. It also carries the GEV quality mark Emicode EC1plus, indicating that it is very low in VOC and SVOC emissions.

  • MC Fastkick

    The hardening accelerator MC-FastKick increases early strength values of the concrete and improves flowability. Consequently, the quantity of plasticisers used and/or the water content can be reduced, causing the water/cement ratio to decrease and yielding savings in cement used. This helps to cut costs and protect the environment.

  • MC-Cleaner eco

    In addition to a very good cleaning performance from tool and equipment, MC-Cleaner eco offers user-friendly application and an environmentally friendly eco-balance. Harmful vapours are reduced to a minimum and mainly renewable raw materials are used for the production of the cleaner.

  • MC-DUR 111 eco

    The water-dispersed epoxy resin sealer MC-DUR 111 eco is suitable for mineral substrates and industrial surfaces subject to light to medium mechanical loads. It meets the criteria of Germany’s AgBB 2018 health evaluation scheme for indoor spaces and is classified under the GISCODE: RE05.

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