Construction experts from Ghana visit Bottrop

May 31, 2024

More than 30 construction experts from Ghana attended the MC Forum technical seminar at MC-Bauchemie’s training centre in Bottrop. The MC Forum offered the participants from Ghana an introduction to the basics of concrete production, concrete repair and concrete protection as well as an intensive exchange of knowledge and experience.

Group photo with the Ghanian experts at MC's training center in Bottrop.
Group photo with the Ghanian experts at MC's training center in Bottrop.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

The Ghanaian construction professionals consisted of 32 participants, including planners, architects, engineers, consultants, concrete manufacturers, processors and contractors. Noble Bediako, Managing Director of MC-Bauchemie Ghana, and Shantanu Datta, Business Development Manager Africa, led and organised the four-day technical seminar and put together a very informative programme of theory and practice, which was well received by the participants.

Comprehensive insight into construction chemistry basics through to special applications

In addition to an introduction to the basics of concrete production, concrete repair and concrete protection, the MC Forum also offered participants the opportunity to gain a comprehensive insight into the work of MC-Bauchemie in the global construction sector and to familiarise themselves with new product systems. This also included applications such as soil and structural injections, waterproofing and industrial floors.

In the second half of the MC forum, topics such as concrete repair, surface protection and joint mortar were presented. In addition to theoretical knowledge, there were also practical demonstrations such as the reinforcement of structures and components with carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CRFP) products.

Factory tours and practical insights

The participants also had the opportunity to visit MC-Bauchemie’s headquarters in Bottrop and gain valuable practical insights at the STRABAG project site in Essen and the SITECH factory in Oberhausen.

The MC Forum was praised by all participants as extremely interesting and inspiring.It enabled an intensive exchange of knowledge and offered an ideal mix of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises. In addition, the guests were able to engage in intensive dialogue with the responsible Product Line Managers from MC-Bauchemie.

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