New car park coatings

Apr 02, 2019

MC-Bauchemie upgrades its portfolio of car park coatings In addition to the OS 8- and OS 10-rated coating systems for floor surfaces, this manufacturer of solutions for the protection and repair of multi-storey car parks is now also able to offer new OS 11a- and OS 11b-rated compound coatings. The new systems have been developed for higher levels of loading stress and attack in multi-storey car parks and come with increased crack-bridging capability.

Overview of the new OS 11a two-layer system: 1. Concrete substrate/floor slab, 2. Primer MC-DUR 1311 VK, 3. Scratch and blowhole filler MC-DUR 1311 VK, 4. Seal coat with MC-DUR 2211 MB, 5. Wear layer with MC-DUR 2211 WL and 6. Top seal with MC-DUR 1311.
Overview of the new OS 11a two-layer system: 1. Concrete substrate/floor slab, 2. Primer MC-DUR 1311 VK, 3. Scratch and blowhole filler MC-DUR 1311 VK, 4. Seal coat with MC-DUR 2211 MB, 5. Wear layer with MC-DUR 2211 WL and 6. Top seal with MC-DUR 1311.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Crack-bridging, trafficable surface protection systems are required wherever the risk of cracking arises. They are also indispensable where existing cracks show significant changes in width due to temperature and load changes. With the new, duly tested OS 11a and OS 11b coating systems, MC-Bauchemie now offers planners, operators and owners further possibilities for floor coating in multi-storey car parks with zones at risk of cracking. The main areas of application are the floor surfaces of intermediate floors in multi-storey car parks and those of weather-exposed parking decks.

Dynamic crack bridging

The OS 11a system is a two-layer combination comprising a primer coat and an optional scratch coat with MC-DUR 1311 VK, a seal coat with MC-DUR 2211 MB, a wear layer with MC-DUR 2211 WL including a broadcasting of quartz sand, and a top seal with MC-DUR 1311. The OS 11b system is a single-layer system that has a similar structure, but in which the sealing and wear coats are combined to form one layer. Both composite systems are proven to exhibit a dynamic crack-bridging capability of 0.3 mm. They are flame-retardant (fire rating Bfl -s1) and offer a slip resistance of R11, rising to V4 with a scattering of quartz sand of 0.3 - 0.8 mm aggregate.
However, the OS 11a two-layer system is characterized by a higher wear resistance compared to the OS 11b single-layer system. The soft floating layer provides the crack-bridging function while the wear coat absorbs the mechanical stress of traffic. The final top seal improves the cleaning ability, binds the scattered quartz sand in a better way and ensures the desired grip.

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