Specialist seminar for construction professionals from Ghana

May 28, 2019

From 13 to 17 May 2019, more than 20 civil engineers, planners, building contractors and representatives of the construction industry from Ghana attended a five-day specialist seminar MC-Forum on "Sustainable Concrete and Its Repair" in the Training and Education Center of MC in Bottrop.

Group picture of the civil engineers, planners, contractors and construction industry representatives from Ghana after the factory tour in front of the new main building of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop.
Group picture of the civil engineers, planners, contractors and construction industry representatives from Ghana after the factory tour in front of the new main building of MC-Bauchemie in Bottrop.
© MC-Bauchemie 2019

The event, which was carried out together with the Federal German Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) and supported by the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), had each day a different focus: After the introduction of concrete and admixture technology on the first day, the following days the emphasis was placed on the construction of roads, bridges and railway tracks as well as their protection and repair, on injections, waterproofing, floor coating systems as well as tile solutions and wet rooms. The lectures by MC experts were combined with practical demonstrations by the MC application technology. The varied program met with very positive feedback from the participants and provided impulses for an intensive exchange of know-how.
MC-Bauchemie has long-standing business relationships throughout the African continent and has been represented for some years with its own companies in Ghana and Guinea and since the end of 2018 also in Ethiopia.

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