
  • High performance macro polymer fibre based on virgin polypropylene
  • For the production of three-dimensional reinforcement
  • Reduces or replaces classic steel reinforcement
  • For the reinforcement of edges, corners and special components
  • Distributes stresses and reduces cracking
  • Increases bending tensile and shear strength
  • Increases ductility and durability of concrete
  • Increases resistance to explosive spalling, impact, shock and abrasion
  • Easy handling due to manual addition
  • Lower carbon footprint compared to steel reinforcements
  • Monofilament, embossed shape
  • Certified according to EN 14889-2, class II - macro fibres


  • For the production of concrete in general building construction
  • For the production of concrete in civil engineering, e.g. bridges, segments, tunnel inner shells and shotcrete
  • For the production of industrial floors
  • For the production of foundations and concrete slabs, e.g. truck parks, storages, parking lots 
  • For the production of hydroelectric power plants and agricultural constructions
  • For prefabricated construction and in-situ concrete
  • For the production of concrete roads and airport roads
  • For mining applications


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