
  • Hydrophobic primer based on an water-based silane-siloxane mixture
  • Can be painted over with Emcephob Effect G and M
  • Non film forming and transparent
  • Reduces the water absorption of concrete and exposed concrete
  • Can be applied by rolling, flooding and spraying
  • Penetration depth: Class I according to EN 1504 Part 2
  • Contact angle: 95° (>90°-<150° hydrophobic) according to CH Directive Hydrophobization
  • Certified according to DIN EN 1504 Part 2 as a hydrophobic impregnation


  • Hydrophobic primer for Emcephob Effect systems
  • Hydrophobic primer for concrete, exposed concrete and concrete cosmetic mortars
  • Reduction of water absorption of concrete and fair-faced concrete surfaces
  • Temporary surface protection of young concrete, Class I, in accordance with CH Directive Hydrophobization
  • Certified in accordance with DIN EN 1504 Part 2 for principles 1, 2 and 8; methods 1.1, 2.1 and 8.1


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